Over 10 Years!
Computer Support was founded in 2002 on Mill Lane by a local family drawing on extensive collective experience. 10 years later, and now on Hengate, it remains a family business with yet more experience committed to providing friendly, effective support to the local community - home users and small businesses alike.

Computer Support's Founder, Chris brings the most extensive experience. Originally an electronics engineer, Chris has a much deeper understanding of modern electronics than the average technical support staffer and can repair very low-level hardware faults. Typically seen with his soldering iron in hand, Chris specialises in laptop and gadget repairs.

Working with Computer Support straight out of education, Andrew has grown up with an enthusiasm and flair for computer systems. Carefully following the tech world, Andrew has an understanding of the latest and greatest hardware and up-and-coming technologies. Responsible for developing our tools and infrastructure, Andrew is also our Data Recovery specialist, and is frequently mistaken for Roy from the IT Crowd.

Originally Computer Support's receptionist, Sheryl's unstoppable curiosity has lead to her rapidly becoming an indispensible part of our team. Starting with us free from the burden of a technical inclination, Sheryl is very approachable and talks in plain English to help you understand your problems - and any solutions we can offer you. 10 years of experience have lead to Sheryl becoming our virus removal expert.